What Numbers go on US Military Dog Tags?
Over time the type of number used on US military dog tags has changed. There are three main types of numbers used since 1918:
- Service Numbers
- Social Security Number (SSN)
- Department of Defense ID (DoDID)
These numbers are used throughout the military on documents with the most iconic and visible being on dog tags.
Period (Varies by Service Branch) | Number Used | Format |
Between 1918 to 1974 | Service Number | Varied by service branch |
1969 to 2015 | Social Security Number (SSN) | 123 45 6789 |
Beginning in 2015 | Department of Defense ID (DoDID) | 1234567890 |
Service Numbers
Unlike the SSN and the DoDID there is a lot of variation in the format of the Service Numbers. Each branch of service made their own decision on when to start issuing service numbers and how they would be formatted. Ranges of numbers were set aside and used to differentiate between:
Rank - officers, enlisted, warrants
Recruitment - enlisted, drafted, national guard
Geography - where they were recruited from
Prefixes and suffixes were also used by each branch to further specify attributes such as type of service, occupation, sex, or rank of the person the service number was issued to.
Beginning in 1918 the US Army issued a Service Number separately to enlisted and officer personnel.
The US Navy and the US Marine Corps began their service numbers in 1920 with the US Coast Guard starting in 1921.
The US Air Force was part of the Army until 1947, in 1948 they began to issue their own service numbers.
Example WW2 service numbers
15013091 Enlisted soldier recruited from Ohio
20802341 National guardsmen from Texas
32101705 Draftee from New York
O-32014 Officer
Dog tags did not use spaces between the numbers although paper documents often did.
Social Security Number (SSN)
In 1969 the US Army discontinued the use of Service Numbers replacing it with the soldier's Social Security number. This choice would have simplified record keeping as the numbers already existed and were unique to each individual.
During the Vietnam War there was a transition period where some soldiers were issued dog tags with both the Service Number and the Social Security Number on the same tag.
Following this brief period only the SSN was used on dog tags until recently.
Although this can vary based on the press machine operator the SSN on dog tags was usually formatted as 123 45 6789.
Department of Defense ID (DoDID)
At the end of 2015 the US Army announced that the use of SSN on identification tags was being phased out and that Department of Defense ID (DoDID) would be used instead.
This is a continuation of a 2012 Department of Defense instruction to the US military to reduce the use and exposure of Social Security numbers where ever possible.
The primary concern with using the SSN is the risk of identity theft.
The DoDID is a 10-digit unique identification number issued to personnel including active duty, military retirees, reserve members, government civilians, dependents, and contractors. It originates from electronic data systems used for medical benefits, education, and insurance.
The format used for DoDID on dog tags is 1234567890
The US Army and Air Force are the only branches to currently have published official guidance on the use of DoDID when issuing identification tags. The US Navy has outright discontinued issuing dog tags to its' members. The US Marine Corps still lists the SSN on their official guidance for dog tags.
When issuing new or replacement dog tags the DoDID will be used. At this time there is no plan to replace all currently issued dog tags.
Active duty personnel who currently carry dog tags with their SSN can replace their original ID tags with a new set using their DoDID number. Placing a replacement request through their unit can be time consuming so many will purchase replacement dog tags through a company like My Dog Tag. To order your replacement set please use our current issue military dog tag templates.
Pro Tip: our current issue US military dog tag templates have been updated to use the 10-digit DoDID number. If you prefer to use your SSN enter your 9-digit SSN and then when you preview your dog tags, you can modify the spacing to make it look like 123 45 6789.